Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hawaiian Sun

Summer began with a burst of sun and waves in Hawaii. Makalapa Kai is our family's favorite vacation spot. Located on the western side of Oahu at the old Barbers Point Naval Air Station, we have our own secluded cottage right on the beach. We woke up each morning to the sound of crashing waves and glowing sun. Surfers were on dawn patrol as we sat and did devotions and went for early runs.

Highlights of the trip were many. Time with family was paramount. We spent precious time together laughing at Tirzah's antics, trying to figure out how to play Monopoly Deal, getting caught in tumultuous waves, lounging in the sun interspersing reading with girly chit-chat, hosting friends, cooking, and just being together.

Another highlight was attempting to climb the Stairway to Heaven... our friend Brett knows the ropes and we started out early, 3:30 to be exact in order to avoid the guard stationed at the bottom. As the group of us climbed, we heard a motorcycle approach and ultimately were were "caught"as the guard stated, "you should've gotten here earlier..." Ah well, its still on my bucket list. Next summer is the goal! =) Instead we hiked to the pillboxes at Lanikai and watched the sunrise (after waiting for it it for 1.5hrs!) then had a wonderful breakfast in Kailua at Cinnamon's. Best red velvet pancakes...ever!

 Met some new friends, saw old ones, and then headed back to the cottage for a bbq with local friends from years ago when we were stationed on the island. It seems like ages ago, yet not so long, as our bonds of friendship have stood the test of time and we reconnect with new memories and share how the Lord has worked in our lives. This renews again my appreciation of my military upbringing--all the unique places we have lived, the wonderful friends we have made, and the glorious adventure of a life our family has shared together...

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